
Voice Recognition
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Inspiration and Community. 
That's what Chapel is all about at Lutheran East. Held twice weekly, it is a time for our entire school community to come together to sing, pray, praise, hear from the word of God, and be encouraged in our faith.
Each Chapel service, we are blessed to hear the personal testimonies and shared experiences from our faculty, staff, students, alumni, and guest pastors/speakers. Music is an important component of Chapel, and we see it as a perfect opportunity for our students who are blessed with vocal and/or instrumental gifts to use those gifts to glorify God and uplift our group worship.   
As we gather each Chapel day in worship, we grow in the knowledge that God has called us and that His purposes will lead and guide us. We would love to have you come and join us in worship. 
Baptism at Chapel 
Students who wish to become baptized in the Christian faith have the opportunity to do so during a Chapel service. Any student who is interested in baptism is encouraged to speak to Rev. Childs. 


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